Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Two Months, Three weeks

I learned a while ago that if I complained to my mom about being bored I would receive no sympathy at all. I finally understand that! Just trying to do day to day maintenance with Rhys is a full time job. He loves to cuddle and isn't happy for long on his own if he is awake. That means laundry, cooking, cleaning, showering, shopping, etc. all has to be done during nap time. Throw moving into the mix and it makes for a very chaotic month! I can't believe that Rhys and I will leave Houston in a few days to move back to Utah. It doesn't quite feel real yet, like I am just planning on a vacation and in a few weeks we will come back home to our hot and humid Houston. It doesn't help that Lewis will stay behind for the next few months in the summer, so while I am saying goodbye to Houston he isn't because he will still be here for a while!

Houston has been the only home Lewis and I have known our whole married life. It's where we have struggled and come together in a way we couldn't have anywhere else. We have grown so much here and Houston has been the place where a lot of our dreams have become realized. Houston has become such a big part of who we are that I am nervous about leaving. Houston is a place where you can truly be yourself and I worry it won't be the same anywhere else. However, we are so excited to finally be close to family again and to have Rhys grow up with everyone who loves him so much.

Speaking of Rhys, he just keeps on growing and learning! He has figured out how to suck on his hands and sometimes I catch him trying to fit his whole fist in his mouth. Every morning we wake up to a wide eyed, happy boy who likes to practice putting his weight on his feet before he does anything else. When we stand him up his eyes get huge and his mouth opens in this excited smile that is so adorable! He got in the pool for the first time on Saturday. We expected him to complain or act concerned (at least!) but he was very composed and interested in the whole experience! It was about 90 degrees out so it was warm outside the water, but the pool wasn't heated. He handled it like a champ!

With a little encouragement from Lewis, Rhys rolled from his stomach to his back this weekend! Lewis had to tuck one arm under his body, and then Rhys was able to kick himself over.

Chillin' by the pool with mommy

My favorite monster butt outfit

Ready for church! 

We went back to Gorditas (by our first apartment) for the last time

We had to stop and watch the baby ducks at the park

So sad that we discovered Himalaya right before we are about to leave! 

Kvas for the road! @ the Russian general store

First time in the pool

Baby tux from my coworker Jackie

Napping in the stroller would be too easy... 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Two months and some change

It's been a whirlwind couple weeks!

I have been taking advantage of every nap time to pack up our house. I have also been tying up loose ends in preparation for leaving my job. This has made me so sad, and I just hope and pray that I might be able to find half as good of job in Utah! My boss has been so amazing and my coworkers are so supportive and make the world a better place. Most of all though I will miss my clients. They are so strong and have overcome so much. Getting to know them has changed the way I look at the world. They really are amazing women.

We have been putting together a plan for moving for a while now. After looking at UHauls we were discouraged by how much they were. We have been talking about getting a new, bigger car for a while. We decided to buy a trailer and a car to drive our stuff back to Utah. A few weeks ago Lewis found a good deal on a car and made plans to fly out to New York to pick it up. Last weekend I was driving Lewis to the airport and he made a joke that if we wanted, Rhys and I could go along with him for free! We have a companion pass with Southwest. Next thing we knew, we were at a Walgreens buying some more diapers and formula and hopping on a plane! What ensued was a 2 1/2 day drive back from New York! It went over mostly well, with a few hair pulling moments when Rhys was absolutely done being in the car. We finally made it back home after Lewis drove all through the night between Saturday and Sunday.

On the 11th Rhys turned 2 months old! He also had his two month appointment where he had his first round of immunizations. He came home very sad and clingy and soon after started coughing. Ever since he has had a pretty bad cough and stuffy nose. It's been so sad to see him struggle through it, but he has been a champ!

Rhys has grown so much! He is so smiley and absolutely LOVES splashing in the tub and generally anytime he gets to be naked :) He has started sucking on his fist and whenever we feed him he insists on putting his hand on the bottle, even though he regularly knocks it out of my hands. He loves to giggle at his toy turtle and giraffe. He also loves the t.v. and being rocked in the rocking chair. He has to be where the action is, sitting up like mom and dad and he gets so proud of himself when he puts his weight down on his feet! He doesn't like hickups, or 30 hour rides in the car... So far he has visited 14 states and the District of Columbia! (Texas, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, D.C. Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana.)

On the plane back from Utah

Field trip to the roof 

Downtown skyline

100% taquitos

Herman Park

Herman Park

Chillin at Centennial Gardens

crepe myrtle

Plane to New York

Applebys in New Jersey

Hotel room in Maryland

gas station in Louisiana