Monday, June 24, 2013

Part Two- Vilnius

The thing about Lithuanians is that... They are all so stinkin' Beautiful! It's hard to quite understand until you go there but to put it in perspective, the normal, average Lithuanian woman is like, an 8 or a 9 on an American scale. And it's not just my opinion, you can Google it. It's a thing.
Anyway, I was marveling about that phenomenon while we were walking down Pilies street the next morning on our way to get some crepes at this tiny cafe. Which were amazing.
The church celebration went from Friday night to all day Saturday. It was one long blur of amazing people, hugs, speakers, performances, and dancing!

 After the celebration we went back to Pilies street to eat at a place called Forto Dvaras. This place was built in the 1300's (older than most of the stuff we saw in Rome) and was actually a place that the knights would eat at back in medieval times! The most awesome thing about it is that it wasn't touristy at all. It was all just very matter-of-fact. We ate traditional Lithuanian dishes, Juodus Duonas and Cepelinai. Cepelinai was so interesting, basically what they do is extract all the liquid from potatoes, leaving kind of a potato flour, and then take the starch from the liquid they extracted earlier and mix it back into the flour, making a sort of dough mixture. Then they form the balls of dough into a football shape, stuff it with meat or cheese, and then pressure cook it. It tasted amazing, but it was just such a new texture! Like, really Really thick heavy jello. We also had potato soup in a black bread bowl that you can see in the picture.

After eating we took a walk around Old Town. We saw St. Annes Cathedral (probably the most amazing building I have ever seen), we wandered around ancient cobblestone streets and eventually found ourselves at the top of a hill next to a medieval guard tower overlooking the city. On the way back I got to sample a Kebab, which is not a skewer of meat, it's actually a burrito type thing with cabbage and lamb meat.

At the end of the night we heard this girl performing on the street. It's dark in the video but you can still hear her beautiful voice!

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