Thursday, December 12, 2013

Part Eight- Catania

We shared the overnight train from Rome to Sicily with a team of rugby players who were very nice, but a little bit stinky! As we were falling asleep we started watching the Italian Job on Lewis' phone :) When we woke up in the morning the view was incredible! So tropical and the water was light blue and crystal clear! Immediately upon getting there we found this great little food place and I found the most amazing pastry I have ever had in my whole life. It was about 60% Nuttela and it was so warm and gooey! Our host was very nice and we immediately set out to rent a scooter. We were a little frustrated about siesta (which people took very seriously) but when everybody came back from their afternoon nap we got our scooter and took off up the coast.

We stopped in small city at a fruit stand and I asked for as many cherries as two euros would buy. She handed me a huge bag! We ended up at this beautiful castle kind of out on it's own in the water.

Hot chocolate that Lewis got for me :) 

We wandered around the city until dark and then headed back. When I took a shower I didn't have very good conditioner so when I started to try to comb through my hair I just gave up and started to cry. With all of the salt air and wind from the scooter my hair had turned into one huge knot and I was too tired to try to pick through it. Lewis came over and brushed my hair and got all of the knots out. It took a while, but I love him so much for that moment!
The next day we were talking to our host about places to eat and Valerija (the lady we were staying with) told us that she knew a restaurant that served great horse meat. We respectfully declined and went back to eat at the first place we found the day before. We went to an open air market and bought some more fruit and looked at all the amazing food they had! They had live clams that were squirting and tons of live snails. We also spent some time in the main square in Catania and at the beach where we pestered poor little beach beetles with sand mazes.

Our friend at our favorite Sicilian restaurant! 
We were waiting at the train station for the train that would take us to Trapani and Lewis jokingly said, "Here it comes!" It was this one car train. Seriously, just one car. It looked so silly we didn't think it was ours but sure enough it was! It was so funny, there was kind of a plastic partition separating the last two seats in the train and it was labeled 1st class. :)

That train ride was so beautiful! There were miles and miles of orchards and farms. We stopped in Palermo and got on a bus that took us into Trapani.

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