Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nine months

Rhys is Nine months old! I can't believe it..

He took his first tentative step two days ago. He has two bottom teeth that make his smile super adorable! He is getting better at eating food and anything fruity is his favorite. His favorite game to play is hide and seek, where he chases me around the kitchen island while I hide around the corners. He thinks its hilarious when I stretch and do ground exercises and climbs up on me when I am doing planks. Since we moved to Austin we have started going to an exercise class called Stroller Striders where everyone brings their kids in the stroller and we exercise together. He hasn't quite decided how he feels about it. He sits there with a serious look on his face the whole time. He is not quite old enough to join in playing with the other kids after the class, but maybe soon!

Rhys has made a few baby friends already. We spent Thanksgiving with our new friends Kara and Justin and their son who is around 15 months old. They had a blast playing together and have hung out a few times since then. I am always so nervous when he plays with kids because I don't know what he is going to do! One time he stood up on the couch and tackled Dez as he was running by.

Rhys has learned to clap and thinks it is so funny! Right now he is going through a phase where if Lewis is in the house at all Rhys won't give me the time of day. The boy loves his daddy!

Big kisses!

Trying to fit a whole pecan in his mouth

Our first house!!

Bull Creek

At the Zilker Christmas tree lighting

The Centennial gardens in Houston

Family walk down to Juice land :) 

At Hermann Park

Lazy Sunday

The light show at Mozart's

Rhys loves all of the Christmas lights 


Toughing out the cold and wet weather

At the Thinkery

Rhys is helping me stretch and ice :)

Sneaky little boy

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