Saturday, March 25, 2017

12 Months

I have said it every month of his whole life, this boy is growing up So FAST! Rhys is the coolest little kid ever. He doesn't walk places; He runs! He is trying to repeat the words that we say and so far he has verbalized "nanana!" (no no no!) and "yucky." 

Our biggest challenge right now is eating. Every meal is a huge event where we try different techniques to get him to actually swallow his food.. and keep it down. Rhys has a very sensitive gag reflex and now and then he just pukes all over. Like... when I am flying by myself from LAX to SLC. That time it was EVERYWHERE. All three flight attendants descended on us with a cleaning kit. 

A few weeks ago we decided that Rhys finally needed his first haircut. It was looking a little uneven and so I had my friend who does hair come over and cut it. It ended up being a bigger change than I expected and it was a very emotional couple of days. I couldn't believe that my baby's long hair was gone and now he looks like a little boy. 

The last few weeks have been nutso. We spend two days in Houston while Lewis had meetings. We came back late Wednesday night and left for California very early Friday morning. We landed in LA and drove strait to Long Beach to catch the ferry over to Catalina Island. It was amazing spending the day in Two Harbors with Shonee, Justin, and the other racers. The next day was Rhys' birthday! In the morning Justin and Lewis took off and Shonee, Rhys and I waited for our helicopter ride to Avalon. Through a series of events our helicopter was canceled and we had to charter a bus to drive us over the island. I have never seen a greener, more beautiful place! 

We were there to cheer for Lewis and Justin when they crossed the finish line. It was a rough race, and Justin had to be walked to the ocean and looked over by the first aid guy because his legs were shaking so bad. For his first marathon he did so awesome and placed second in his age group! 

We took the ferry back to the mainland and drove to our Newport Beach house. We spend two and a half super relaxing days at the beach and driving around Orange County. On Tuesday Lewis flew to Austin for work and Rhys and I flew to Utah. That weekend we had a birthday party for Rhys with the family in Utah and a week later we had a birthday party with our friends in Austin! This kid has had so much love for his first birthday! I only hope he has gotten all the growing out of his system and now he can stop ;) 

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