Sunday, May 4, 2014

Merry First Week of May!

The semester is finally OVER!!!
And now I don't know what to do with myself...
After my last final, Lewis and I went out with a bunch of girls from my school to get sushi to celebrate!
I cut my hair short in preparation for summer

And then on Friday we went out again to a party at a piano bar called Howl at the Moon.

 Because I was not super comfortable riding the Stella scooter because of the manual transmission, we decided to switch her out for a Buddy.
Isn't it adorable?! And it was cheaper than the last one we had! The automatic is also way easier to drive. That didn't stop me from getting bucked off it within 20 minutes of riding it! I had decided to drive the two blocks home from the parking lot where we were practicing and didn't realize I was throttling a little while trying to pull the brake. I went up and over the curb and barely missed a tree before laying it down. It was crazy scary and even though there was no damage I was devastated that I had made such a dumb mistake!
Later on that day I asked Lewis to help me get started on these honeycomb shelves I have been wanting to make for Forever. I had a tutorial, and thought all I needed was a measurement for one of the boards. WRONG! After poking around the directions and trying to replicate it virtually in Lewis' fancy CAD program, we realized they totally bs'ed all the measurements! We ended up spending 4 hours at the office while Lewis designed the shelves the right way. So hopefully within the next couple of days I will get them all put together!

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