Sunday, April 27, 2014

Its been another week. Here is the rundown. On Wednesday Dane and I went over to Greg's (his brother in law's) house to learn how to use his new table top CNC mill. It became clear pretty fast that it wasn't going to be super easy to learn how to use it so he let us borrow it and take it to the surge shack. After a day of playing with it I got it down pretty well, and as you can see from video its pretty awesome. 

This week was Jessi's last at her internship with the Living Bank. I'm glad she's done there, as I pointed out she was only spending about 30% her time doing actual social work. The rest she was just doing office tasks that might fit in to macro social work, but probably more into office assistant, which is why they may not be allowed to get more interns.

We took time off of studying and working to go to the church's fundraiser for the youth camps. It was a lasagna dinner with a desert auction afterwords. We made banana pudding,  and it sold for $30

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