Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Catch up... May 2015-Present

Talk about playing catch up! Quick version, I graduated with my master's degree from the Graduate College of Social Work and University of Houston in May 2015. I passed my licensing exam and became an LMSW. Days later, we flew to Europe and experienced St. Petersburg Russia, Vilnius Lithuania, Alesund/Trandal Norway, a few hours in Paris and a few awesome days with Spencer, Jenny and family in Germany! We came back and the week before the 4th of July we found out we were pregnant!!! We drove up to Durango, Colorado to spend some time with Aleah and Shay and got to tell them then that we were pregnant, which was cool because Aleah and Jenny were both pregnant as well! About two months later we flew out to Utah to see Justin, who had just got home from his mission to Peru. We had a fun time and spent a few days at Bear Lake.

I got hired as an Outreach Specialist/Case Worker for a non-profit called the Behavioral Health Alliance of Texas. Lewis continues to tear it up with his company Meshify. We visited Utah again for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and had a baby shower where everybody came to show how much they love and support us! We decided that our baby would be named Rhys Dwayne Wight. Lewis and I both love the name Rhys and we decided on Dwayne for his middle name to honor his Grandpa Wight.

January went fast, but February has been the longest month of this year ironically!

Because of my immaculate planning skills, we were ready for Rhys to arrive weeks ago. Since then, he has kept us on our toes with about two weeks of pre-labor! Lewis was really hoping for a Leap Day baby but that ship has sailed. Lewis has been so amazing and sweet to me! He is always taking care of me; helping me up and making me food. He is also my emotional rock when my mood swings start to take over! The other day I was so tired and sore and impatient and he drew me a relaxing bath and then gave me a back massage. He has continued to do everything in his power to make me more comfortable and I can tell he is so excited to be a dad!

Now it is just a waiting game! We can't wait for our little Rhysee puff to get here! 
Our Savior of the Spilled Blood Cathedral in St. Petersburg May 2015

Decided to do our own half marathon. 24 weeks pregnant! 

Being inducted into the Phi Alpha Honor Society May 2015

The Oswald family came down to visit us in Houston in April 2015

My graduation announcement

Real men marry social workers! Lewis surprised me with this shirt at graduation :) May 2015

Half way through our hike above Trandal, Norway May 2015

How we announced to Facebook that we were expecting August 2015

How we announced to Facebook that we were having a boy and that his name would be Rhys! October 2015

We did a 5k fun run/walk through the Christmas lights up at College Station November 2015

What do you do when you are too big to do anything else? Eat ice cream off your belly by the pool! January 2015

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