Monday, April 4, 2016

Rhys' Birth Story

It’s been a whirlwind these past 13 days since Rhys has entered our family! After waiting what seemed like forever (everybody assumed that he would come early) I finally started having intense contractions three days after his due date. It was a Thursday night and around 10:30 we started getting ready for bed. Just as we were laying down I felt an intense pain and figured that it was a contractions, but since I had been having false labor for weeks at that point I didn’t want to get my hopes up! I had Lewis start the contraction timer and 20 minutes went by. Another one came, and then 5 minutes later another one came. A few minutes later when I decided it was time to go to the hospital the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. We were driving down Almeda dodging potholes and flooding with rain pounding on the windshield and lightning flashing all around us! By the time I got checked in contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, lasting 2-3 minutes and I was dilated to an 8. My nurse was so nice to me and they quickly got the anesthesiologist in to do the epidural. I was in so much pain, and I can’t even imagine what Lewis was experiencing! The team worked great and within minutes the epidural was in place and I was able to start relaxing. They told me that they could have broken my water and I could have had him right then, but my doctor was in a C-Section delivering twins so they were going to wait for it to break naturally.

Around 4am my water broke, and my doctor came in to see where I was at. I was dilated to a 10 and she said, “Ok lets to a couple practice pushes!” I couldn’t tell if anything was happening, so three pushes later I asked if I was doing good. The doctor said, “Yes, he is here!” I didn’t believe her and looked at Lewis. He said, “I see him! He’s here!” All of the sudden they pulled him up and laid him on my belly. He had such a beautiful cry!

The rest of the hospital stay was a blur! We had some hard times, but mostly it was such an amazing time that we got to spend enjoying our new family.

First picture ever! 

Coming home from the hospital! 

Rhys sure loves Daddy :) 

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