Friday, April 29, 2016

7 weeks

Rhys is 7 weeks old tomorrow! I missed updating last week because we were in Utah!

Rhys enjoyed his first flight ever! He only cried once when he woke up from a nap and decided that he needed a bottle RIGHT THEN. Other than that, he slept a lot and was super adorable the whole time. A ridiculous amount of people drooled over him and couldn't believe how beautiful he was!

Grandpa Oswald, Uncle Tyson, Justin, and Brecken were so excited to meet Rhys! We got out of the car at Grandma's house and Grandpa was so happy he couldn't stop crying. Rhys got passed around so much and I don't think he ever got set down the whole time we were in Utah. Great Grandma and Grandpa Skinner came up from Bluff where they are serving their mission to be there for Rhys' blessing last Sunday. On Saturday we got up early and drove up to Star Valley to visit my Great Grandma Skinner and to get a five generation picture with Rhys' Great Great Grandma Skinner, Great Grandpa Skinner, Grandma Oswald, Me, and Rhys! When Rhys first saw Great Great Grandma Skinner he got a huge goofy grin on his face!

On Sunday morning Rhys was blessed in the Mendon 4th Ward. Lewis gave the blessing and the other people in the circle were Grandpa Randy, Grandpa Oswald, Justin,  Great Grandpa Skinner, and our good friend Seth Wiscombe. When the person conducting the meeting announced the blessing he said "Jessi and Lewis Wight will be blessing their baby girl Reese today!" Everybody chuckled and Jacob raised his hand and said "Baby boy!" The guy laughed and said he had been thinking about Reese Witherspoon lately and that is why he made the mistake :)

Our flight home on Monday was uneventful and according to the man sitting next to us, Rhys was a "delight" :)

Rhys is getting stronger and is holding his head up quite a bit more during tummy time. He is smiling so much and is still doing well at sleeping at night.

Rhys' first plane ride!

Getting loves from Shonee!

Meeting Great Great Grandma Skinner

Five Generations! 

Chilling with Great Grandpa Skinner

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