Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Five months old

Our little Rhysee is five months old! He is a little wiggle worm. He can roll both ways now so it is common to leave him in one place on the ground, walk into the other room to grab something and come back to him a few feet from where he was before. He is getting better at sleeping and can on occasion put himself to sleep without crying. He is very interested in everything that is going on and wants to be a part of it. He tries all kinds of gymnastics to face forward when I am wrapping him facing inwards.

His favorite songs are Lemme kiss ya (the camp song) and My Rhysee lies over the ocean. His favorite noise to make is "Gheee." He has tried sweet potatoes, apricots, and bananas. I think he likes the bananas best. He loves to spit and is very happy and smiley (unless he is tired or hungry, then watch out!) His favorite time is bath time and his least favorite time is bed time.

"What's your name little boy? My name is Lemme.
Lemme what little boy? Lemme Kiss Ya.

What's your name little girl? My name is Ida.
Ida what little girl? Ida wanna.

What's your name little boy? My name is Lemme.
Lemme what little boy? Lemme Kiss Ya.

What's your name little girl? My name's Alaska.
Alaska what little girl? Alask My Mama.

What's your name little boy? My name is Lemme.
Lemme what little boy? Lemme Kiss Ya.

What's your name little girl? My name is Ollie.
Ollie what little girl? Ollie Right! Kiss Kiss"

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