Thursday, September 15, 2016

Half Birthday

Six months...

That's half a year!

Rhys' personality is really becoming apparent as of the last few weeks. He is enthusiastic and passionate about life and exploring the world around him. He attacks challenges (and objects) with ferocity that has earned him several nicknames including Tyrannosaurus Rhys, Rhyseesaurus, and RhyseeRaptor. He seems to think he must be some sort of predator based on the growls he emits as he devours his prey. With a few exceptions (being hungry or tired) he is an absolute delight to be around. He is so cheerful and pleasant and consistently doles out huge, goofy smiles to everyone.

He can sit up by himself for short periods of time. Not because he isn't able to go longer, but because he would rather someone be helping him stand! I assumed that he would be like any other human person and be all about the fruits. His most enthusiastic response however has been to sweet peas!

This month we have gone to Crystal Hot Springs, hiked from First Dam to Green Canyon, and Lewis and I have had a trip to Austin, Rhys free.

Hike to Green Canyon

So cheerful! 

Just like Daddy

Utah State University vs Weber. We won! 

Hanging out with the cousins 

Trip to Salt Lake with Shonee- Shopping for family picture outfits 

Wild Basin Preserve; Austin TX

Moody day at Mozart's 

Dinner time 

Dad teaching Rhys about the the trees and the leaves

Crystal Hot Springs

Bear Lake with Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Randy and the cousins

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