Monday, July 16, 2012

Dear apple, we're through

Is the world losing its love affair with apple? I pride myself in being slightly ahead on tech trends, and if that stays true then I think this is the beginning of the end of the iphone's reign as best smart phone. You can only stay in an abuse relationship for so long. At some point you wake up and realize that the abusive cycles and tactics just keep going and going and you have to man up and break it off. You see, I had the first iPhone, and I remember everyone saying "why doesn't it have 3g or a better camera or a long list of other features that were standard on other smart phones at that time?" I rationalized these thoughts away in the cool design and touch screen. I thought, well, you can't have it all. And that has become Apple's motto, "you can't have it all". So when the next iPhone came out, I had little choice but to upgrade, every other smart phone already had 3g and I was tired of the slow internet speed on my phone. But Apple stayed true to its motto and left out a long list of features to make sure that in a year you were so far behind other phones that you would once again be forced to upgrade. So a year later I forked out for the 3gs. Now this was a sweet phone, it took nice video and had faster internet and was just faster all around. But they left out the front facing camera and the one camera it did have was still at 3 megapixels, far behind that of other phones. And all of the while I'm paying much more for service than I would have to pay for any other phone because Apple just had their way with AT&T. I was pretty happy with the 3gs, and I used it for 2 years, then upgraded to the 4s on sprint. And anyone that has ever used the iPhone 4s on sprint knows how crappy it is. Apple once again tricked me... every other phone on the market had 4g internet when the 4s came out, but Apple wanted to make sure that once again, in a year my phone would be far behind. This time I was done. I sold my iPhone and got a 4g LTE EVO and now I am out of the cycle of abuse and loving life again. I have crazy fast internet (I've reached 15Mbps at home) and without having to wait on pins and needles for the next hack like I had to with iphone I can just use my phone the way I want to, not the way apple wants me to. This last weekend when Jessi saw how awesome my phone was with its big screen and super fast internet she caved too. Now the 4s was Jessi's first smart phone. She loved it so much. This was a really hard decision for her, but after one day with her Samsung Galaxy S3 she had a very telling dream. In her dream she was writing a "dear john" letter to Apple, and it went like this:

Dear Apple,

We're through. I'm fed up with your over controlling attitude and slow internet. I loved all of my apps, but I found them all again in the android market. I can't take another day wondering what I did wrong to be stuck here waiting for my maps to load to get directions while all of those around me speed on by with their faster phones. I'm tired of feeling like this was my fault, like it was something that I did. Now I know it was you. I'm better off with someone else. 

1 comment:

  1. We still have the LG basic phones. Justin has been begging for a smart phone. I guess I better not let him read this post. :)
