Monday, July 30, 2012

The most Valuable .5%

With my one year anniversary coming up next week its fun to think back on all of the events that have gotten me to where I am today. Its been a great year, with out a doubt the best year of my life. Some say marriage is tough and hard... maybe they were talking about year two? This week Dane and I had an opportunity to meet with one of the biggest Venture Capital firms in Houston that deals in our space of IT. Of all of the business meetings that we've had this one was our best. Our confidence and security of our idea were key to how great the meeting went. We have a really great direction with our company that is so exciting even the Venture Capitalist said "I believe you will have a venture backable company" and "I really like what you two are up to, and think you are headed in some interesting directions." This was great validation of what we already knew was a great idea. We still have mountains of work to get done before we can really be fundable, but we are closer than ever to the promised land and out of the wiggles of false hope.

A year and a half ago I found myself working all day everyday on my company, thousands of miles away from the girl I loved and with almost no money to my name. This was a very hard situation to be in. Around this time my company got its first paying gig doing some contract work for a local company. This was not a lot of money for our poor little bootstrapped company, but it was a start. So here I was stuck. If went and tried to make some money outside of my company, I would lose most of my company because of strict rules in our operating agreement. If I kept with the company I wouldn't make any money so I couldn't do what I wanted to do so bad, which was propose to Jessi. So I did the only thing I could do, I sold a part of a percent of my company to my partner and his wife to be able to take a little cash out from our earnings on the contract work we had just completed. With that money I was able to buy a ring and a plane ticket back to Utah to propose to the girl of my dreams. Now in the likely event that my company does get funded and Venture backed many would say that was a really dumb move on my part. Even at a really bad evaluation on a round A of financing that part of a percent would be worth 10's of thousands of dollars. And there are some who would hold on to that, because that's what matters most to them. 

Two nights ago Jessi and I went on a date to the Temple...

 It is so clear when you are there what really matters most. There is no way that any event in this life would ever make me regret that decision. Looking back through the eternities are we going to be upset about the loss of a little wealth, or are we going to rejoice in plan of salvation and the sealing power in the Temple that binds us together for all eternity? If on some future exit event someone were to say to say to me, "that .5% sure was worth a lot", I would argue it was priceless. It enabled me to do that which is most important in this life... marry the right person, in the right place, by the right authority. I look forward to an eternity of happiness with the most beautiful girl in the world. 

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