Monday, October 1, 2012

Catch Up

We feel bad for neglecting our little blog-journal. Our vacation in August totally threw off our schedule! Anyways, I know from experience with previous journals that playing catch up is hard. I just recently went back in one of my journals and read and example of this very thing! 
"Dear Journal,
Wow. It's been a while. Like, three years and two months. Well, let me try to catch up a little. 
In April my family and I drove down to Blanding.. 
Hold on I have to go eat dinner. Back in a minute!"

And then another two years went by before I picked it up again. 
Suffice it to say, I will keep this brief, and painless. 

In August we had our first Anniversary. It was amazingly special! Lewis took me to Herman Park where he gifted me a lock with our names inscribed into it with the dates, "August 6- Eternity." We followed a tradition that is pretty popular in Europe and is starting to get traction in the US. We locked the lock onto the bridge and then threw the keys into the water. Then Lewis took me to a Brazilian steak house where you can eat as much meat as you want and it is all to die for! He knows me way too well :) 
A week later we headed out to Utah to spend time with friends and family and to see Aleah get married!!! The week was a wonderful blur of good food, good weather, and good company! The wedding (and especially the bride!) were beautiful and we are so happy for Aleah and our new brother-in-law Shay! 
That night we spent the night in Salt Lake with Jade so we could catch a super early flight to San Francisco! We spent a day in the bay, then drove to Yosemite and spent two days in the park. Then we drove over and spent two days with our good friends Patrick and Danielle in Monterey! We decided that day that Monterey is like, our favorite place on earth. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip. 

It was a really great adventure! 

Since then we have been keeping busy! I started a new semester and Lewis has been working as hard as ever. Lewis had his birthday a few weeks ago and we celebrated by cooking up some steaks on the portable grill that I got him! The weather it noticeably cooler and we hope it stays that way so we can spend a lot more time outside! 

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